7 Daily Habits to Boost Your Productivity and Achieve Success According to Research

Oct 17, 2023
2 People Read
a window with encouraging words
Table of Contents
  1. 1. Set a Clear Goals
  2. 2. Create a Morning Routine
    1. Wake up early
    2. Make your bed
    3. Read books
  3. 3. Learn to Say No
    1. The Opportunity Cost
  4. 4. Plan Tomorrow Today
    1. The Zeigarnik Effect
  5. 5. Continuous Learning
    1. A Growth Mindset
    2. Challenges as Opportunities
  6. 6. Practice Self-Care
    1. Exercise
    2. Sleep
    3. Proper Nutrition
    4. Mindfulness Meditation
  7. 7. Reflect and Adjust

Are you tired of feeling like there aren't enough hours in the day? Struggling to juggle work, personal life, and those big dreams you've been chasing? Well, it's time to supercharge your productivity and pave the way to success. This article will explore 7 daily habits that can transform you into a productivity powerhouse. From setting meaningful goals to mastering the art of time management, we've got you covered. Let's dive in and make the most out of every day!

note book/ diary for setting clear goals

1. Set a Clear Goals

The path to productivity and success begins with one crucial element: setting clear and achievable goals. Picture it as the compass guiding your journey through the bustling wilderness of daily tasks and responsibilities. Start each day by outlining what you want to accomplish. Break down your long-term goals into daily, manageable tasks. This simple act provides focus and direction, keeping you on the right track.

While having goals is a great start, vague objectives are akin to a compass pointing in the general direction of "somewhere." To make your goals effective, be specific. In fact, specificity is the magic wand that transforms a mere wish into a concrete, actionable plan. Instead of saying, "I'll work on the project today," say, "I'll complete the project's research and outline by noon." This specific goal not only sets a clear target but also creates a sense of urgency, pushing you to stay committed to your objective.

Specific goals act as a roadmap, outlining the exact steps you need to take. They help you break down your long-term aspirations into manageable daily tasks, ensuring that you're always headed in the right direction.

Think of it this way: a vague goal is like sailing without a map, while a specific one is akin to having a GPS guiding you to your destination. With clear goals, you know precisely what you need to do and when to do it, making your journey towards productivity and success significantly smoother.

2. Create a Morning Routine

Your morning sets the tone for the day. Establish a morning routine that energises and prepares you for success. Whether it's exercise, ready, meditation, or a healthy breakfast, find what works for you.

Wake up early

It's not only Bell who finds that successful people tend to start the day earlier than the average person. Thomas C. Corley conducted a five-year study on 177 self-made millionaires and found that almost 50% of them woke up at least three hours before their work day actually began. This strategy is adopted by many to cope with daily disruptions such as meetings that run longer than expected. By waking up early, one can still accomplish everything they set out to do that day. In his book, "Change Your Habits, Change Your Life," Corley explains that getting up at 5 in the morning and tackling the top three things you want to accomplish in your day allows you to regain control of your life. “It gives you a sense of confidence that you, indeed, direct your life.”

Some people might ask what if I can't stick to a morning routine? Am I already failing? My answer is no, everyone can do it, start small and build your routine gradually. Even five minutes of meditation or a quick workout can make a difference. Consistency is key.

Make your bed

According to a recent study by researcher Dr Randall Bell, people who make their bed every morning are more likely to become millionaires. Bell has been studying success for 25 years and has analysed the core characteristics of successful people. He found that this simple habit of making the bed in the morning sets a positive tone for the rest of the day and helps people develop a strong work ethic.

Bell writes that "those who do their chores and keep their living space tidier tend to make more money." For instance, people who make their bed in the morning are up to 206.8% more likely to be millionaires. This is because making your bed puts your mind into a productive mindset and helps you stay focused on the tasks ahead.

Read books

According to Bell, reading is significantly associated with higher education and income, as well as overall happiness. Individuals who read seven or more books per year are more than 122% more likely to become millionaires than those who never read or only read one to three books.

Let's consider the richest man in the world, Bill Gates, who reads 50 books a year, or Warren Buffett, who spends up to 80% of his day reading.

3. Learn to Say No

In a world filled with endless opportunities and commitments, learning to say "no" can be one of the most powerful tools in your productivity and success arsenal. It's not about negativity or reluctance; it's about taking control of your time and energy. Here's why and how you can master this vital habit

The Opportunity Cost

When you say "yes" to a request or task, you're making an investment of your time and energy. But what many people overlook is the concept of opportunity cost. This simple economic principle applies to your daily life too.

Opportunity cost means considering what you're giving up when you say "yes" to something. Every commitment comes at the expense of something else you could be doing. If you agree to an additional project at work, it might mean giving up quality time with your family or the chance to focus on a personal project.

Understanding opportunity cost allows you to make better choices. It's not about being selfish; it's about being selective. When you decline a request that doesn't align with your goals, you're effectively choosing to invest your time and effort in something that's more meaningful to you.

Consider this analogy: Imagine your time and energy are like a limited budget. You want to allocate your budget to projects and opportunities that provide the most significant return on investment. By saying "no" when appropriate, you're essentially ensuring that your budget is spent wisely and efficiently.

Furthermore, saying "no" can have a positive impact on your productivity and overall well-being. Overcommitting leads to stress, which hampers your ability to focus and perform at your best. When you learn to say "no" to the non-essential, you create space for the essential.

In essence, this habit isn't about closing doors but about carefully selecting which doors you want to open, ensuring that each one leads you closer to your goals. Learning to say "no" empowers you to prioritize what truly matters, reducing overwhelm and boosting your productivity on the path to success.

4. Plan Tomorrow Today

Planning for tomorrow today is like a secret weapon for productivity and success. It's a proactive approach that not only gives you a head start but also keeps you firmly on track.

“Those who maintain both a calendar and to-do list are 289% more likely to be millionaires, as compared with those who have no real set schedule,” writes Bell. He also found that successful people “document insights.”

Meanwhile, The Zeigarnik Effect suggests that we remember uncompleted or interrupted tasks more than completed ones. Use this psychological trick to boost your commitment to your to-do list.

The Zeigarnik Effect

The Zeigarnik Effect, a psychological phenomenon discovered by psychologist Bluma Zeigarnik, suggests that we remember uncompleted or interrupted tasks more than completed ones. It's as if our brains have a natural inclination to keep nagging us about what's left unfinished.

This cognitive quirk can be harnessed to your advantage. By planning for tomorrow before ending your workday, you're leveraging the Zeigarnik Effect. You're essentially creating a mental to-do list for your brain to mull over, ensuring that your subconscious mind stays engaged even when you're not actively working.

Create a To-Do List

Take a few minutes at the end of your workday to jot down the tasks you need to tackle tomorrow. Be as specific as possible. Instead of writing, "work on the project," break it down into actionable steps, such as "complete the project's research, draft the introduction, and gather references."

This to-do list serves as a blueprint for your next day, ensuring you wake up with a clear focus on what needs to be accomplished.

Prioritise Tasks

Once you've listed your tasks, prioritise them. Identify the most critical and time-sensitive ones. By doing this, you're essentially creating a roadmap for your day. When you start your morning with a prioritised list, you'll waste no time in deciding what to work on first.

Get a Head Start

By planning ahead, you're giving yourself a head start. When you begin your workday, you won't have to spend valuable time figuring out your priorities. You can dive right in, riding the wave of momentum created by your previous day's planning.

This habit works because it not only keeps you organised but also taps into your brain's innate desire for closure. Unfinished tasks create cognitive dissonance, a discomfort that your brain naturally wants to resolve. So, planning for tomorrow not only ensures you stay on top of your work but also eases your mind, reducing stress and anxiety.

Think of it as preparing your tools and equipment the night before a big adventure. When you wake up, everything is ready, and you can embark on your journey with confidence and efficiency. Planning tomorrow today is your compass for a smoother and more successful path to productivity.

5. Continuous Learning

Success isn't a static destination; it's an ongoing journey that demands a relentless commitment to learning. If you want to thrive in your field and ensure long-term success, you must embrace the habit of continuous learning.

A Growth Mindset

At the heart of continuous learning is the concept of a growth mindset, a term popularized by psychologist Carol Dweck. A growth mindset is the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work. This perspective is a cornerstone for long-term success.

Challenges as Opportunities

In the realm of a growth mindset, challenges aren't seen as roadblocks but as golden opportunities. When you face a complex problem or a daunting task, you don't shy away from it; instead, you approach it with curiosity and a thirst for knowledge. You understand that these challenges are the crucible in which your skills and knowledge are forged and refined.

Continuous learning is the engine that drives innovation and ensures your relevance in a rapidly evolving world. If you remain stagnant, you risk becoming obsolete in your field. On the other hand, if you consistently seek to acquire new skills and knowledge, you'll be at the forefront of industry trends and developments.

Imagine your career as a river. A growth mindset propels you forward, ensuring you keep pace with the ever-flowing waters of change. It's this adaptability that sets you apart as an innovator and a leader.

Moreover, the habit of continuous learning doesn't just benefit you professionally; it enriches your personal life as well. It's a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. With each new skill you acquire or area of knowledge you delve into, you expand your horizons and become a more well-rounded individual.

This habit is like a renewable resource of motivation and inspiration. It fuels your passion and drive, keeping the fire of curiosity burning. It's a habit that sets apart those who are merely surviving from those who are thriving.

6. Practice Self-Care

Amid the hustle and bustle of a demanding world, practising self-care stands as a vital pillar in your journey towards enhanced productivity and sustainable success. It's the act of deliberately nurturing your mind and body, ensuring they're in their optimal state.


Regular physical activity is not just about keeping your body fit; it's also about keeping your mind sharp. Exercise has been proven to boost cognitive function, reduce stress, and increase energy levels. It's the perfect counterbalance to a sedentary lifestyle, making you more alert and ready to tackle tasks with gusto.

Whether it's a daily walk, a yoga session, or hitting the gym, finding an exercise routine that suits your lifestyle is vital. It's not only an investment in your physical health but also your mental well-being.


Sleep is the unsung hero of productivity. It's during slumber that your brain processes information, repairs itself, and consolidates memories. A good night's sleep is your ticket to a focused, alert, and creative mind.

Prioritize sleep by creating a consistent sleep schedule, ensuring you get the recommended 7-9 hours per night. Adequate rest not only improves your cognitive abilities but also enhances your emotional resilience, making you better equipped to navigate the challenges of daily life.

Proper Nutrition

Your body and brain are intricately linked, and what you eat directly affects your cognitive function and overall health. A balanced diet, rich in nutrients and vitamins, provides your body with the fuel it needs to perform at its best.

Avoid excessive sugar and processed foods that can lead to energy crashes and brain fog. Instead, opt for a diet that includes fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. This dietary balance will keep your energy levels stable and your mind sharp.

Incorporating these cornerstones into your daily life doesn't just contribute to a healthy body but also to a sharp, focused mind. This trifecta is the secret sauce for sustained productivity and success. When you invest in self-care, you're ensuring that you're operating at your best, day in and day out.

Imagine your body and mind as a finely tuned machine. Regular maintenance and care are essential to keep it running smoothly.

Mindfulness Meditation

Mindfulness meditation can reduce stress, improve focus, and enhance overall well-being. Just a few minutes a day can make a significant difference.

By adopting a growth mindset, you acknowledge that you don't have all the answers, and that's perfectly fine. You're open to learning from your mistakes and the wisdom of others. You actively seek out new experiences, feedback, and information to expand your understanding and capabilities.

7. Reflect and Adjust

At the end of the day, take a moment to reflect on your accomplishments and areas that need improvement. Adjust your strategies as needed for continuous growth. The habit of reflection and adjustment is akin to recalibrating your compass, ensuring you're always on the right path.

Reflection: At the end of your day, pause for a moment to reflect on your accomplishments. Take stock of what you've achieved, both big and small. This practice isn't just about self-congratulation; it's about acknowledging your efforts and recognizing the progress you've made.

Once you've reflected on your day, it's time to adjust your strategies. This means taking a critical look at the methods you employed to achieve your goals and considering how they can be refined or modified for better results.

Adaptability: Successful individuals are not rigid; they are adaptable. If something isn't working or needs improvement, be open to change. This might involve tweaking your daily routines, revising your priorities, or seeking new approaches to tasks.

Long-Term vs. Short-Term Goals: Ensure that your daily activities align with your long-term goals. If you've veered off course, make the necessary adjustments to realign your efforts with your broader ambitions.

Consistency: Consistency is key. If you notice a pattern of neglecting certain tasks or failing to adhere to your habits, adjust your strategies to build more consistency. Perhaps you need to set reminders, create better routines, or modify your environment for success.

Areas that Need Improvement: Alongside your accomplishments, also identify areas where you fell short or could have done better. These aren't failures; they're opportunities for growth. Pinpointing your weaknesses or shortcomings is the first step towards improvement.

Now, you've got the tools to supercharge your productivity and march towards success. By incorporating these ten habits into your daily life, you'll notice a significant transformation in your efficiency and effectiveness. Remember, it's not about massive changes overnight, but the small daily steps that accumulate into something remarkable.

Are you ready to take the leap towards productivity and success? Start today by setting clear goals, prioritising tasks, and creating a morning routine that works for you. Small changes lead to big results. The power to achieve your dreams is in your hands.

Me We Do Be: The Four Cornerstones of Success, Randall Bell PhD

Table of Contents
  1. 1. Set a Clear Goals
  2. 2. Create a Morning Routine
    1. Wake up early
    2. Make your bed
    3. Read books
  3. 3. Learn to Say No
    1. The Opportunity Cost
  4. 4. Plan Tomorrow Today
    1. The Zeigarnik Effect
  5. 5. Continuous Learning
    1. A Growth Mindset
    2. Challenges as Opportunities
  6. 6. Practice Self-Care
    1. Exercise
    2. Sleep
    3. Proper Nutrition
    4. Mindfulness Meditation
  7. 7. Reflect and Adjust