L'oreal Brow Magic, Perfect Brow for You Every Time

Oct 06, 2023
41 People Read
 smart brow applicator
Table of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. The Beauty Revelation
  3. Effortless Application
  4. The Collaboration Behind Brow Magic
  5. More Beauty Tech


In the world of beauty and cosmetics, innovation is a driving force that continuously transforms the way we enhance our features. Eyebrows, being a prominent facial feature, have seen their fair share of trends over the years. From thin and arched to thick and natural, eyebrow styling has evolved with the times. L'oreal Brow Magic, a groundbreaking innovation that combines cutting-edge technology with the art of beauty.

L’Oréal Brow Magic 3D eyebrows

The Beauty Revelation

Imagine sitting in front of your screen during a Zoom call, and in the blink of an eye, witnessing the magic unfold before your very eyes. L'Oréal Brow Magic, a device not much larger than your iPhone, is designed to draw flawless eyebrows with such precision that it's almost mesmerizing. In the time it takes to log into a Zoom meeting, this remarkable gadget can create eyebrows that are nothing short of perfection.

The initial reaction to witnessing this feat is often an exclamation of awe, akin to calling it 'magic.' Guive Balooch, the global vice president of L'Oréal's Technology Incubator, is no stranger to such reactions. During a virtual presentation at CES, the renowned tech convention, he showcased the capabilities of L'Oréal Brow Magic, leaving the audience astounded.

"That's why we called it Brow Magic!" exclaimed Balooch. And indeed, the name fits perfectly. This handheld printer is loaded with cosmetic-grade ink, and its results are, in fact, magical. With unparalleled precision, it can print perfectly arched eyebrows directly onto your natural brows, and it does so in a matter of seconds. The eyebrows it creates appear as though they are composed of individual, delicate brow hairs. There's no hint of blockiness or a glaringly artificial appearance. Achieving such realism in eyebrow makeup is no small feat, as Phill Dickens, a professor of manufacturing technology at the University of Nottingham in England, has previously attested.

A man testing out the smart brow applicator at the Consumer Electronics Show

Effortless Application

Once the desired look is selected, the application process is remarkably straightforward. Users begin by brushing a primer through their brows, ensuring a flawless canvas. Then, the Brow Magic printer is gently swiped across the eyebrow, followed by a topcoat finish. The result? Brows that exude perfection.

a women testing out the smart brow applicatoron one of her eye brow

The Collaboration Behind Brow Magic

The creation of the eyebrow printer was a result of a collaboration between L'Oréal and a Korean company called Prinker. The latter is renowned for its handheld temporary tattoo printer, already available in Korea. However, the task of printing makeup directly onto the face posed a unique set of challenges. Within the hallowed halls of L'Oréal's headquarters, a dedicated team of experts embarked on a two-year journey to perfect the art of brow printing.

This team comprised artificial intelligence (AI) specialists, makeup artists, and research and development (R&D) experts, including individuals aptly known as "face evaluators." Their mission was clear: to create technology that could revolutionize brow perfection. To achieve this, they scrutinized and studied the faces of 700 individuals from across the globe, including the United States, Europe, and Asia.

The AR technology scans the user's face and makes recommendations on the best ways to shape your eyebrows, this includes reco

Their extensive research led to the development of proprietary AI-based algorithms. These algorithms possess the remarkable ability to analyze the shape of your face and recommend the ideal brow shape for you. What's even more remarkable is that you can see these recommendations in real-time, superimposed onto your own face, courtesy of augmented reality.

More Beauty Tech

As if Brow Magic weren't impressive enough, L’Oréal also unveiled Hapta, a groundbreaking prototype that aims to make makeup applications accessible to everyone, regardless of their physical abilities.

HAPTA the world’s first handheld computerized makeup applicator with lipstick on

Developed in partnership with Verily Life Sciences, Hapta combines smart gestures with a magnetic attachment system, providing users with 360 degrees of rotation and 180 degrees of bending capability. This means that users can tailor the device to their unique needs, locking it into place for a personalized makeup application experience.

Hapta's focus on accessibility is a testament to L’Oréal's commitment to inclusivity. While accessible technology has made great strides, it often falls short in addressing everyday actions that nondisabled individuals take for granted. Makeup is a form of self-expression and artistry that should be open to everyone, and Hapta takes us one step closer to that ideal.

Table of Contents
  1. Introduction
  2. The Beauty Revelation
  3. Effortless Application
  4. The Collaboration Behind Brow Magic
  5. More Beauty Tech