【Sustainable Product】Notpla's Seaweed Wrapping Paper

Oct 07, 2023
24 People Read
Notpla's seaweed wrapping paper. source from Notpla Ooho
Table of Contents
  1. Notpla
  2. The Problem with Traditional Paper
    1. The Environmental Impact of Paper Production
    2. The Need for Sustainable Alternatives
  3. The Seaweed Solution
    1. Notpla's Innovative Approach
    2. Benefits of Seaweed-Based Wrapping Paper
  4. How Does Seaweed Paper Work?
    1. The Science Behind It
    2. Production Process
  5. Conclusion

In a world where environmental consciousness is on the rise, the search for sustainable alternatives to everyday products has become a pressing concern. Traditional paper, often sourced from trees, has long been a staple of human civilisation. However, the impact of paper production on forests and ecosystems is undeniable. Enter Notpla, a company that has revolutionised the packaging industry with its innovative seaweed wrapping paper, eliminating the need to cut down trees for paper production and providing a safe, eco-friendly alternative.

Notpla paper bag using seaweed


Notpla is a sustainable packaging company based in London, founded in 2014. They are known for pioneering the use of seaweed as an alternative to single-use plastic. The company's primary goal is to reduce reliance on traditional single-use plastic packaging materials by developing innovative biodegradable alternatives made from seaweed and plants. They recently secured £10 million in funding for commercial scale-up.

One of Notpla's notable products is "Notpla Paper," a sustainable paper material created using waste extracts from seaweed. This material serves as a beautiful and biodegradable alternative to traditional paper, contributing to the reduction of environmental impact.

The Problem with Traditional Paper

The Environmental Impact of Paper Production

The demand for paper has led to extensive deforestation, endangering fragile ecosystems and biodiversity. Trees, our natural carbon dioxide absorbers, are being sacrificed for a commodity that is often used once and discarded.

The Need for Sustainable Alternatives

As consumers become increasingly aware of environmental issues, there's a growing call for sustainable alternatives that can mitigate the environmental damage caused by traditional paper production.


The Seaweed Solution

Notpla's Innovative Approach

Notpla, a forward-thinking company, has devised a groundbreaking solution to the paper problem by harnessing the power of seaweed. This underwater plant is abundant, fast-growing, and requires no land, pesticides, or freshwater.

Benefits of Seaweed-Based Wrapping Paper

Seaweed paper offers numerous advantages compared to traditional paper. This is due to its nature, according to Notpla seaweed grows up to 1m per day without competing with food crops, fresh water or fertiliser. s. Furthermore, it actively helps to de-acidify our oceans. This allows the Seaweed-Based paper to be completely natural, free from synthetic additives, biodegradable, renewable and has a minimal carbon footprint.

NOTPLA Paper in box packaging, plastic free and fully recyclable

How Does Seaweed Paper Work?

The Science Behind It

Seaweed paper is made by extracting the cellulose from seaweed, which is then processed into a durable and flexible material suitable for wrapping various products.

Production Process

The production process of seaweed paper is not only eco-friendly but also energy-efficient, making it a sustainable choice.


In the quest for sustainable alternatives to traditional paper, Notpla's seaweed wrapping paper shines as a beacon of hope. With its minimal environmental footprint, biodegradability, and durability, it not only addresses the problems associated with traditional paper but also sets a new standard for eco-friendly packaging. As consumers and businesses alike recognise the value of seaweed paper, it is poised to shape the future of packaging and contribute to a greener planet.

Source: Notpla

Table of Contents
  1. Notpla
  2. The Problem with Traditional Paper
    1. The Environmental Impact of Paper Production
    2. The Need for Sustainable Alternatives
  3. The Seaweed Solution
    1. Notpla's Innovative Approach
    2. Benefits of Seaweed-Based Wrapping Paper
  4. How Does Seaweed Paper Work?
    1. The Science Behind It
    2. Production Process
  5. Conclusion